Friday, 14 February 2014


Extraordinarily unremarkable. An oxymoronic phrase, but one which applies very well to my life. I've ambled through life thus far. Nothing terrible has befallen me in my 19 years on this earth, nothing even remotely exciting (exciting in a grand sense - I'm not talking about trips to Alton Towers) - I haven't even broken a bone. Still, there are occurances which have been notable, and I'll probably write them down on here so I can read them back and cringe.

My life currently is probably the most exciting it has ever been. I am living hundreds of miles from home with people who have inexplicably become my best friends.

I guess I'll begin.

I am nineteen years old and currently studying History in a welsh university. I live in halls with a group of people I have come to love like family  - which is weird considering we've known each other for less than six months. At the moment, my life consists of friends, family, alcohol, music, movies and work. In that order. Before I came to university, I had a marvellous group of friends with whom I am still in contact, but I wasn't very social. I could sit in my house for a week straight without speaking to, meeting up with or texting any of my friends and it wasn't until I got to university that I realised how bad that was. Now, I spend most of my time sat in the flat kitchen with everyone. We go out to bars and clubs regularly and get blind drunk - it. is. AMAZING. All of a sudden I know people out and about and smile at them. I get invited to flat parties and pre-drinks and everything is wonderful blah blah blah.

I am quite shy though. Anyone who knows me well will tell you that's bullshit, but it's not. When I meet you, I will smile and say hello, maybe join in your conversation a little, but I won't be able to be myself. The thing I am proudest of is my personality and sense of humour and the reason I don't get it out right away (lol) is because I'm worried you won't like it - or me. So I wait for you to like me before I am myself around you, cause then I know you'll love me.

The only thing in my life which is lacking is my love life. I am a virgin. I have never had a boyfriend. I have only ever had one sexual encounter in my entire life and I'm still not quite sure how I feel about it. I'd like a boyfriend; I'd like someone to think I'm so funny and cool and pretty that they want to tell everyone that we're together, but I haven't met that guy yet. I made out with a guy in a club once - on one of the most drunk nights of my natural-born life - I hated it. He kissed badly, wouldn't let go of my left arsecheek and practically begged for me to take him back to mine.
I like to think that I don't need a boyfriend. Society likes to think I need nothing more. Truthfully, I don't know what I want.

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